A twenty dollar bill.

A twenty dollar bill.

I saw this picture on Twitter, and I believe it explains itself.

You should know your value in life; what you’re worth. You shouldn’t let anything stop you from believing you’re special.

“Until you value yourself you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.” – M. Scott Peck

“Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you respond to it.” -Charles Swindoll

“Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you respond to it.” -Charles Swindoll

I’ve been in positions where I let what’s going on around me make me feel as if everything else will be impossible to accomplish. But over time I realized that everything I told myself I would never be able to do, I did.

Many times, life gives you some situations that you feel are too difficult for you but when you overcome that, you realize it was all worth it.

Here are five ways to get through these difficult times:
– Accept it. It happened and you can’t change it.
– Get rid of the word “fair”. Many things that happen are usually beyond our control.
– Make “Learn from it” your mantra.
– Keep in mind your life isn’t over. Be like an elastic band and bounce back and move forward.
– Turn the situation around and see how you can use it as a life lesson.

Quote of the Week

Most of us let our past determine our future. We look down on ourselves because of what we’ve done and we fail to see what we could do or what we could be. Some of us even blame others for things that have happened to us. We let our past determine our future, but we shouldn’t. We need to learn from it and use it to make ourselves better. Everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect.

Style Oasis

“No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself.”

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“Fear is stupid…

the pink cheebra

“Fear is stupid. So are regrets.” – Marilyn Monroe

I’ve decided to get out of my comfort zone in 2014. No, I’m not taking part in the old cliché “New year, new me,” but I am re-inventing myself in a way. I’m letting my thoughts be heard and no better way to do that than posting it on the Internet!

So this year I co-sign Marilyn Monroe in saying yes, fear and regrets are both stupid. No longer will I fear what people have to say and no longer will I regret speaking my mind.

And now my blogging journey begins.


-the pink cheebra

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HappinessToday I went to a youth meeting, & our topic was forgiveness. During this meeting we talked about the benefits we get from forgiving others, with one of those being happiness.

Many times our mood changes to match those around us. So if our friends are hurting, we are automatically hurting as well. But should we really base our happiness on theirs? We each have a reason to smile and no one can fully understand that reason but us. Some days we have our moods where we don’t like to be bothered but other days, we like to be the centre of attention.

You are in charge of your own life & I want you to think about it. How many friends have ever brought you down? And how many friends have ever made you feel depressed or made you question yourself?

Now ask yourself, which one of them are still by your side?

See what I’m getting at? People will try to tear you down and throw dirt on your name; but in the end, they will be LONG GONE. So smile and live for today. Let yesterday be yesterday, and let tomorrow be tomorrow. They aren’t here as yet so they aren’t worth the worry. Focus on right NOW!

“Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.”

– Abraham Lincoln